in this month’s edition of the Beyond the Dollar Series, we’re talking about something everyone can enjoy – tickets to an event! It doesn’t matter if it’s a concert, sporting event, art exhibition, movie, or theater production, most people have something they want to go and see. This is why offering tickets as a reward for achieving goals is a smart idea to consider.
You Appeal to a Major Audience
One study from the Harris Group learned that more than 70% of all millennials would rather use their money for experiences than buying more stuff. As an employee, this means one of your largest generations of workers would prefer something to do than company swag or some other material item. When you offer them tickets instead of a tote bag, you might just get their attention.
You create FOMO
FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a recent trend brought on by social media posts showing people having a blast doing something you want to do. When your employee gets tickets to something and shows off the photo, the other members of your team will see and, depending on the activity, feel FOMO. In turn, they may work harder to achieve their goals.
You Can Easily Customize the Tickets
In some cases, a big act might be coming to town that you know almost anyone would love to see. When this happens, you can purchase a couple and motivate your team to work harder in order to win them. Even better if this is an act that sells out quickly, because your tickets might be the difference between whether or not they see the show.
If you don’t want it to be general, you can partner with your achieving employees and get them tickets to exactly what they want to see. Giving this control to the team member is another great incentive because it gives them access to something they wanted to see without them having to pay. Additionally, tickets for a family-friendly event can provide the experience of a lifetime.
You Can Have an Ongoing Contest
The other great thing about tickets is they are not a finite reward. There will always be shows and opportunities, meaning you’ll always have something to use to motivate your team. You can try a few different options and determine what works best for your organization.
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